Awarded 'outstanding in all areas' by Ofsted
Toddler Tuesdays
On Tuesday mornings we run our very popular drop in toddler group for babies and children aged 0-5, and their carers: Mums, Dads, Grandparents & Childminders
New Term starts Tuesday 10th September 2024
9.30am - 11.30am
There is no need to book, just turn up on the day. It is held in the Parish Rooms, beneath the church, in Amberley and this large space enables the children to enjoy a variety of activities in safety and comfort.
The Toddler group has access to the wide range of equipment used by the Playgroup including a home corner, craft supplies and a good selection of age appropriate toys and books. One side of the large hall is designated for ‘wheeled vehicles’ and physical activity toys (small trampoline, see-saw and slide), which make it particularly suitable for the more ‘active’ toddler! There is a designated baby area, with a carpeted floor and a range of suitable equipment..
The toddler group is a great place to come and meet other parents and carers, enjoy a coffee and biscuits.
Term time only
Adult and a child under 1:
Adult and a child over 1:
Each additional child:
These prices include drinks and biscuits for both adults and children. In addition, the session incorporates at least 15 minutes of music and movement led by a member of the playgroup staff.
Many of the children who come to the toddler group also attend the playgroup when old enough, with the familiarity of the building and the staff making this an easier transition.