Awarded 'outstanding in all areas' by Ofsted
How families take part
We need you!
Amberley Playgroup thrives and survives on the support and involvement of parents and grandparents; from our crucial committee members, to families adding their name to the washing rota... there are many ways families can help to keep Playgroup running smoothly. Thanks for all your support; you help make Playgroup what it is.
The Playgroup is managed by a voluntary Committee of parents who are responsible for employing the staff and are fully involved with decision making within the group.
Through successful fundraising activities the group is able to purchase high quality equipment that enables the children to have a varied and stimulating experience whilst being cared for by highly qualified and enthusiastic staff. The staff form close partnerships with parents through this committee involvement, and through the rota of helpers at each session. This adds to the unique and supportive atmosphere of the playgroup that is commented on by so many people.
These are some of the ways we hope you can get involved
We also love it when parents feel they can bring an experience to Playgroup that the children might learn from. Over the years we have had trips to visit parent 'Farmer Tim' down the road, tennis skills during Sport Relief, visits from parents that work in the Police Force... we are always open to suggestions!
Once or twice a term we ask you to sign up to be a duty helper. It's very simple; you can play with the children, help make the snack and wash up at the end. It can be fun!
Please sign up to take your turn laundering the hand towels that accumulate by the end of each week.
We provide a daily snack mid morning, and we ask families to also bring in some fruit to share
Café & Cakes
We run a café at every Playgroup event. Please bake a cake and help serve if you can.
We try and hold a variety of fundraisers throughout the year, ranging from table top sales, parent mixers and family fun days. We are always on the hunt for volunteers.
Special Events
Sometimes we might ask parents if they are free to help at our Christmas party for the children. Great festive fun!